Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Half Life
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Half Life

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Half Life. I discovered this Band while shuffling songs on Spotify and I liked their wild and unique approach.

Whiteout is Half Life’s Single

From the first seconds I was fascinated by the way of composing songs of this band.

A different sound that hides a nostalgia and desperation that manages to speak directly to the heart and soul. I felt deep emotions pervading my mind as I listened to the melodies proposed by this eclectic band.

Music that has distant origins, almost ancestral in some moments the way of singing reminded me of that of the Native Americans.

Music capable of making you travel with the imagination and closing my eyes I found myself driving on a desert road in the Appalachian mountains without having a precise destination.

This music is free, wild and absolutely innovative.

I don’t think you can label this genre, I think it’s something new that needs to be listened to without asking too many questions and you just need  to be guided by the band in this incredible musical journey.

A nice discovery that I recommend to everyone.

Whiteout is Half Life’s Single Out Now!

Unique and Original!

Whiteout is Half Life’s Single

Southern Rock band from Leesville , Louisiana. The band formed in 2019 from a collection of Independent visionaries brothers vocalist (Jeff O’Banion) rhythm guitar (Robert O’Banion) lead guitar (Dave Morris) who they met at a party and who all were dissatisfied with the popular music of the time. So they decided to do something about it . Their unique brand of entertainment fuses A minimalists approach, and thought provoking lyrics with ear bending acoustic and electric guitar that will make you want to hear one song after another.

Hailed as ‘a paradigm shift’ by fans and enthusiasts. The “traditional approach’ for making music was abandoned altogether. In favor of creating music that’s fresh, exciting and spontaneous.
They made their first appearance Halloween night, centered at the heart of a dimly lit labyrinth known as “Twighlight Maze”.

The Breakthrough southern rock trio “Half Life” has proven to be both daring enough to be themselves, and bold enough to step outside their comfort zone with songs like “Pushing up Daisies” and “Treading on Dreams” from their first album. Having carved out two impressive records in as many years. Their second anticipated album “Flick of the Match” to be released July 4th, 2021.

Singer (Jeff O’Banion) has been quoted saying that “If your comfortable, then you’re not growing”. Leading us to believe that they dont plan on calling it quits anytime soon. So it’s a safe bet we will be seeing plenty more from them in the coming future.

Definitely a band to keep your eye on. Known for their unpredictable antics and music that blurs the lines of many genres. Only time will tell where this band takes us from here.

Find Half Life Here:


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