Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Wasted Time (Take One) is Sunday Honey's Single Out Now
Wasted Time (Take One) is Sunday Honey’s Single Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
Australian outfit Sunday Honey is here to inject some energy into your day with their new single “Wasted Time (Take One)”.

Wasted Time (Take One) is Sunday Honey’s Single Out Now

This track is a vibrant collision of past and present, a love letter to 70s rock with a decidedly modern edge.

From the opening note, the song explodes with a relentless rhythm section that keeps you hooked until the very last chord.

But Sunday Honey isn’t all frantic energy. Singer’s unique vocal timbre adds a layer of cool sophistication, a perfect counterpoint to the driving guitars.

There’s a real sense of atmosphere to the song as well. The production is crisp and clean, but there’s a warmth to it that evokes the feeling of classic rock albums.

It’s clear these guys have honed their sound to a razor’s edge, each instrument locking in tightly with the others.

“Wasted Time (Take One)” isn’t about reinventing the wheel; it’s about celebrating what came before while adding a fresh twist.

It’s a song that will have you tapping your foot and reaching for the air guitar in equal measure.

Wasted Time (Take One) is Sunday Honey’s Single Out Now!


Wasted Time (Take One) is Sunday Honey’s Single Out Now

Sunday Honey are a four piece alternative-rock band who describe their sound as a cross between honey soul with a mixture of old rock. Based between the Mornington Peninsula and Melbourne, Australia, they consist of members Elliott Willis (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Fox DeRoche (drums, vocals), Max Hilli (bass guitar) and Callum Johnson (lead guitar).

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