Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Universal Themes is Mason PM's Album Out Now
Universal Themes is Mason PM’s Album Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
welcome to Edgar Allan Poets indie music corner. A space dedicated to the best new artists and bands we find around the web. Today’s feature artist is Mason PM and his album Universal Themes.

Universal Themes is Mason PM’s Album Out Now

The compositional style of this artist immediately hooked me.

A theatrical and refined music that manages to create a fairytale scenario around you. This circus atmosphere is funny and dramatic at the same time.

Just like a clown who is happy and sad at the same time, Mason PM wants to represent the different facets of the human personality with his music.

The album is an up and down of emotions, more introspective pieces alternated with more fun and rhythmic tunes.

The thing I like most about Mason PM is that his compositional style has many influences and goes from Pop to Rock with hints of classical music.

The intensity with which this artist sings and interprets his songs is enviable.

I recommend everyone to go and listen to Universal Themes because is a solid album that demonstrates a mature artistic vision.

Universal Themes is Mason PM’s Album Out Now!


Universal Themes is Mason PM’s Album Out Now

I wanted to create music that was inclusive, authentic and uplifting. Music that meant something to everybody; regardless of their station in life.

I believe that we all want the same things for ourselves – to be safe; to be loved and to be acknowledged. Our feelings are what unify us as a species.

Mason PM is a character I inhabit.

I chose the name Mason PM, to give myself something to aspire towards. By definition, a Mason is a skilled worker who builds by laying units of substantial material – most notably, stone or brick. But in this case I wanted the substantial material to be feelings: exploring them; understanding them and seeking to prove that we as humans are more alike than unalike.

The PM in the title will be explained when Album 2 lands 16012024.

The black and white mask that Mason PM wears is a blend of both the masks associated with Ancient Greek drama. They are the Comedy and the Tragedy masks that were worn during the Golden age. They are paired together on Mason PM’s face to show the two extremes of the human psyche.

A dictum is a noteworthy statement that expresses a general truth or principle : an observation intended or regarded as authoritative. There will be a Dictum for each of the five Albums in this pentalogy. Each Dictum will be a statement on the human condition; utilising the song titles on that particular album in sequential order.

Why is the pentalogy called Reckonings? The time comes when one is called to account for one’s actions; to pay one’s debts, or to fulfil one’s promises or obligations. Individually and as a species, we need to be aware of that. Choices have consequences and consequences provide outcomes.

I invite the citizens of this world to listen to this music and to share the message of hope. We have much to remember about just how good we can be!

This is the beginning of our journey together.

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