Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Tiki Black
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Tiki Black

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Tiki Black. I discovered this Artist while shuffling songs on Spotify and I was fascinated by her music.

As soon as I hit the play button I was immediately bewitched by the wonderful voice of this talented artist.

An ancestral voice capable of speaking directly to the heart and soul of the listener. A primordial vocal timbre, which comes from afar and which carries with it stories of past lives.

While listening to the beautiful songs of this album I felt like Ulysses when he first heard the mermaids during his odyssey and I was mesmerized.

Honestly, I have not found flaws in this work, all the songs are fantastic, produced to perfection and the chord progression is never predictable and banal.

A fantastic find that I recommend to everyone.

The Sound Of The Broken Wand is Tiki Black’s Album Out Now!



Quote: “My music reflects my eclectic music background, and a creative process that shies away from adding to the noise in this world. The Sound Of The Broken Wand is a musical encouragement to growth and emancipation that presents the different faces of proverbially cutting the umbilical cord”.

Find Tiki Black Here:


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