Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to The Kindly Ravens. I discovered this Duo while shuffling songs on Spotify and I liked their songs a lot.
The sound of this duo immediately thrilled me.
I have always been a big fan of country music, the one that brings with it the tradition of the pioneers who after very difficult days trying to find a solution to their life, sat around a fire and forgot about everyday problems and enjoyed a moment of tranquility with this kind music.
I was very impressed by the singer’s voice, a warm and sweet vocal timbre capable of moving and making you believe the words sung in the lyrics.
The production is simple but perfect for the genre. The instruments exude tradition and you can hear the string vibrating and the wood is able to amplify these beautiful harmonies.
Absolutely recommended to everyone.
Bittersweet Lie is The Kindly Ravens’ Single Out Now!
Honest and Pure!
Second single from The Kindly Ravens is a song about how we tell ourselves lies and untruths when a relationship starts to sour. It’s also about how we keep hope alive in situations like an unrequited love, where hope is more important than rejection.