Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Terrified is Scarlett Sno's Single Out Now
Terrified is Scarlett Sno’s Single Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
From the moment the opening notes of Scarlett Sno’s “Terrified” fill the air, we’re drawn into a world of mystery and emotion.

Terrified is Scarlett Sno’s Single Out Now

The song’s atmospheric synths create a sense of unease, perfectly capturing the feeling of being gripped by fear or anxiety.

Sno’s voice, both intense and nostalgic, cuts through the darkness, connecting with the listener’s soul on a profound level. Her deep and passionate timbre makes you believe in the lyrics, making each word resonate with raw honesty.

The production of “Terrified” is top-notch, with modern arrangements that are cared for in every minimum detail.

Every element of the song, from the subtle percussion to the soaring melodies, contributes to the overall atmosphere of vulnerability and strength.

The song’s instrumentation perfectly complements Sno’s vocals, creating a haunting and beautiful halo around the tune.

“Terrified” is a song that will undoubtedly resonate with anyone who has ever faced their inner demons.  Its introspective lyrics and nostalgic but uplifting melody offer a message of hope, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles.

The song’s cathartic quality makes it feel like a form of therapy, allowing us to release our fears and embrace our strength.

Sno’s performance is stunning. She delivers each line with conviction and emotion, showcasing her undeniable talent as a vocalist.

“Terrified” is a powerful and moving song that will stay with you long after the final note fades away.

Terrified is Scarlett Sno’s Single Out Now!


Scarlett is a pop artist and songwriter based in Nashville, TN. Born and raised in Kansas City, MO, Scarlett has always been fascinated with storytelling, fantasy, and the human condition – ideas that have heavily resonated throughout her music. From a young age, she would tell stories through songwriting, composition, and would experiment on DAW software and various musical instruments.

Scarlett is known for co-producing her music and writing lyrics from her experiences. She often refers to her discography as the “diary of her life”. Scarlett is always experimenting with genre-mashing. Her official debut on October 27, 2020 and first few pop singles had elements of Hip-Hop, Rap, and Dubstep; but as she has grown, her music has found roots in genre mashing pop with rock and cinematic music. In her new single, “Terrified”, Scarlett explores this genre mashing by telling the story of her mental state from when she lost her voice for a year and had to go through vocal rehabilitation.

Scarlett is heavily inspired by legendary artists such as Evanescence, Lady Gaga, Panic! At The Disco, and K-pop groups B.A.P and ATEEZ. Notably, in 2017, she made it to the final rounds of Usher’s first annual Megastar competition.

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