Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Sacha Hoedemaker
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Sacha Hoedemaker

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Sacha Hoedemaker. I discovered this artist while shuffling songs on Youtube and I was ecstatic by the beauty of his music.

I really like the refined and melancholic atmospheres that this artist is able to create.

Imagine this…a light piano, like rain falling in a puddle… a falling leaf, the cello… while in the distance a girl with a red umbrella spins around and tries to forget the love that ended recently.

The clouds slowly open up to let a ray of sunshine through, because even when everything goes wrong we must always hope that there will be Better Days…after all, life is a series of moments, a series of emotions that alternate like the music of this incredible artist.

I was impressed by the attention to detail, the interpretation is wonderful!

whispers and nuances that are able to describe an eternal moment of life.

Music that shouldn’t take long to find some placement as a movie soundtrack.

The vibes are perfect, the execution incredible. We are faced with a great musician.

Keep an eye on him because this guy will go a long way.

Better Days is SachaHoedemaker’s Single Out Now!

Excellent and eternal music!


Quote: “More than ever, we can reflect upon our lives and think of the better days of yet to come.

It’s so important to connect to each other and stay positive. I hope this piece provides with the motivation you need to turn today into a better day”.

Find SachaHoedemaker Here:


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