Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Our History is Shannon Hawley's Single
Our History is Shannon Hawley’s Single

Good Day Noir Family,
welcome to Edgar Allan Poets indie music corner. A space dedicated to the best new artists and bands we find around the web. Today’s featured artist is Shannon Hawley and her single Our History.

Our History is Shannon Hawley’s Single

I was impressed by the music proposed by this artist.

A modern and ethereal sound emphasized by an incredible vocal timbre that in some moments reminded me of Kate Bush.

Shannon Hawley’s voice is hypnotic and magical and manages to speak directly to the heart and soul of the listener.

Our History is a fantastic song that winks at the 80s but at the same time seems to come from the future.

The choice of sounds is very well thought out and the harmonic construction and chord progression are absolutely impeccable.

The lyrics are deep and carry a profound message of change.

We are faced with a talented artist I advise everyone to go and listen to her music as she produces quality songs.

Our History is Shannon Hawley’s Single Out Now!


Our History is Shannon Hawley’s Single

“I always had a sense that we carry the stories of our ancestors deep within our bones, but when science gave it a name, it became easier to refer to. I felt it in my own body and I sensed it in all the beautiful humans I got to work with when I was a social worker. It has to do with genes being turned on and off because of our experiences. We are made up of stories, and not just our own. This means that trauma can be passed down, but also joy, strength, resilience, love. It also means our bodies know our history even when we don’t. Just like the earth. Our bodies don’t just keep the score, they spin the stories, they hold the songs and also they also have the power to sing them.

It is a powerful gift to be a human on this earth, to be granted a lifetime, which could never be long enough for all this beauty. But not to worry. Our relationship to our body’s wisdom, is the relationship to the earth, is the relationship to all things living and dead, is the relationship to our history and our future.

How will we honor the earth itself? We can only know if we listen.
We can heal the past and the future – WE ARE the answered prayers if we only listen, if only we are brave enough to then love.

And so we carry the songs of our ancestors in our bodies. How will we honor their pain, their sacrifices, their love? How will we sing them and ourselves liberated? Can a song be a bridge? Can a person? I believe the answer is yes. And it was this song that taught that to me.”

Find Shannon Hawley Here:


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