Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Mostly You is Thornbraver's New Ep | Edgar Allan Poets
Mostly You is Thornbraver’s New Ep | Edgar Allan Poets

Good Day Noir Family,
our “Edgar Allan Poets’ Artists/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Thornbraver and their new Ep Mostly You. I found this Band on Spotify and I was fascinated by their music.

Mostly You is Thornbraver’s New Ep | Edgar Allan Poets

The first thing I liked about this band’s music is the voice of the singer. An ethereal and magical vocal timbre that manages to hypnotize the listener.

Listening to the beautiful songs proposed by this talented band I felt bewitched like Ulysses the first time he heard the chant of the mermaids.

The compositional style takes inspiration from the past but manages to be modern at the same time.

Thornbraver has managed to mix different genres together and make them coexist in a unique balance.
This artistic approach allows them to stand out from the crowd.

All the songs on “Mostly You” are solid and follow a common thread that makes this Ep a coherent work.
A band to follow as they have great potential.

Go and listen to them, it is worth it!

Mostly You is Thornbraver’s Ep Out Now!

Sweet and Magical!

Mostly You is Thornbraver’s New Ep | Edgar Allan Poets

Thornbraver was born as a one-off acoustic song by Pao Altamirano, recorded in her Boston dorm room at the very beginning of the pandemic. When the first demo of “This Is What She Does to Me” was shared with producer Raul Garcia (Loneborn), the spark of a new project was set.

Two years later, Thornbraver became a full band and recorded a studio EP in Miami, FL enlisting the help of Michael Arevalo (Palomino Blond) on drums and backing vocals.

Find Thornbraver Here:


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