Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Laudry
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Laudry

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Laudry. I discovered this Band while shuffling songs on Spotify and I liked the vibes of their music.

This band immediately struck me for the atmosphere they can create with their sound.

Magical and ethereal vibrations pervaded the room as the notes of this magnificent song filled the air.

The singer’s voice is fantastic, full of nuances, and with a timbre that can speak directly to the heart and soul.

The “airy” sounds are beautiful and make you fly with your mind making you explore parallel universes.  While I was listening to their new single Don’t You Dare I saw myself in command of a spaceship in search of new unknown worlds.

A band that is not afraid to experiment and that offers an innovative and courageous sound.

A nice discovery that I recommend to everyone.

Don’t You Dare is Laudry’s Single Out Now!

Innovative and Magical!

Laundry met in the University of Oregon dorms in the fall of 2017 and quickly began making waves in the underground music scenes of Portland and Eugene. The band blends elements of dream pop, surf rock, and art pop to create their signature sound: sparkly guitar, strong beats, and dense harmonies between the three lead singers.

Their upcoming album, ‘Movie Star’ is Laundry’s most ambitious project to date, showcasing the band’s ability to mix melodic pop songs with virtuosic instrumental performances in a concise twenty-five minute package. ‘Don’t You Dare’ is the first single from the upcoming project, as well as the introduction to the world of ‘Movie Star’.

Find Laudry Here:


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