Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | I Found A Way is Wreckless Strangers' Single Out Now
I Found A Way is Wreckless Strangers’ Single Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
In the realm of music, some songs soothe the soul, songs that stir the emotions, and then some songs jolt you out of your slumber and inject a shot of adrenaline straight into your veins.

I Found A Way is Wreckless Strangers’ Single Out Now

Wreckless Strangers’ latest single, “I Found A Way,” falls squarely into the latter category.

From the start, you’re propelled into a world of infectious energy, where bluesy guitar riffs intertwine with funky rhythms and a touch of soulful brass.

The band’s frontman, David Noble, delivers his vocals with an unbridled passion that mirrors the song’s electrifying spirit.

The song’s lyrics capture the essence of living in the moment, embracing life’s challenges with a fearless attitude.

But “I Found A Way” isn’t just about unrestrained energy; it also possesses a depth of emotion that resonates with listeners on a personal level.

The unexpected bridge at the 2:20 mark, with its soaring guitar arpeggio and heartfelt vocals, paints a vivid picture of the overwhelming joy of parenthood.

The song’s abrupt ending leaves you wanting more. It’s a song that demands to be replayed, each time revealing new layers of musical brilliance and emotional resonance.

I Found A Way is Wreckless Strangers’ Single Out Now!


I Found A Way” is the opening track on Blue Sky Fantasy, kicking the EP off with a funk-filled, soul-stirring bang. It was written by the band’s vocalist and lead guitarist David Noble, who drew inspiration during the joyful yet sleep-deprived early days following the birth of his daughter. “Not sleeping much with a newborn in the house, I somehow mustered the strength to sing the lyrics and melody into a voice memo app on my phone.” He recalls, “I shelved the song for almost a year before the verse and chords came to me. The sleep deprivation was starting to wear off, and I was feeling very optimistic about life. I wanted to catalog all the things I’m thankful for.

This Bay Area-based supergroup has made a name for themselves with their masterful fusion of blues, R&B, Americana, and rock ‘n’ roll.

Find Wreckless Strangers Here:


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