Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Cleric Exorcist Warns That Horror Movies Could Open The Gates Of Hell
Cleric Exorcist Warns That Horror Movies Could Open The Gates Of Hell

One priest stated that watching horror movies could lead to demonic possession.

Father Ronnie E. Ablong of the Diocese of Dumaguete referred to the young lady he is exorcizing for instance.

I have been exorcising a young woman for many weeks now. Thirty-nine demons have already been cast out. Five of these demons are from the movies the possessed woman had seen. The names of the demons are the main or secondary characters in these films.

Cleric Exorcist Warns That Horror Movies Could Open The Gates Of Hell

And here is the list of Devils and films mentioned:

  • Valak, from the movie The Nun (2018)
  • Esme (Cullen), from the movie Twilight (2008)
  • Sylvia Ganush, from the movie Drag Me to Hell (2009)
  • Diana Walter, from the movie Lights Out (2016)
  • Annabelle, from the movie Annabelle (2019)”

There will undoubtedly be a blended response to this current priest’s divulgence as he additionally gave an admonition alongside the post. “Kindly don’t specify or articulate their names on the grounds that doing so will engage them or you will be bugged,” he said. As indicated by the congregation’s father, the case is as yet a progressing one, and he had expected to unveil this post to caution the about the situation.

I’m making this post to caution everybody of the specific threat of belittling blood and gore movies or movies that manage sorcery and black magic” 

The priest proceeded to clarify how evil belonging isn’t really a short-term wonder.

“Possession is the result of opening a lot of doors to the devil,” he said. “These doors include occultism (divination, necromancy, magic, sorcery/witchcraft, etc.) and living a habitual life of mortal sin,” added Ablong.

Also Fr. Amorth, the most powerful exorcist of all time said that violent thoughts, inspired by perversely violent movies, also cause demonic possession which is difficult to get rid of. That and promiscuity and sexually perverse thoughts.

Galatians 1:3-5: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself for our sins that he might rescue us from the present evil age in accord with the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. AMEN.”

Will you continue to watch horror movies with the risk of seeing Beelzebub’s face or will you convert to romantic and comic movies?

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