Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Fourteenth cycle, pt.1 is Jack Agdur's Single Out Now
Fourteenth cycle, pt.1 is Jack Agdur’s Single Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
Jack Agdur’s Fourteenth Cycle, Pt.1 is a masterful exploration of simplicity and emotion.

Fourteenth cycle, pt.1 is Jack Agdur’s Single Out Now

From the moment the piano starts, you’re immediately drawn in by the organic and authentic sound of the instrument.

In a world full of digital samples, this track is a reminder of the raw power that only a real piano can bring—its hammers striking strings, the wood resonating with a warmth that feels almost tangible.

The recording quality stands out, creating an intimate atmosphere where it feels like Agdur is performing right in your living room.

There’s a certain elegance to the melody, with each note carefully placed, allowing the music to breathe without the need for flashy virtuosity. The subtlety in the harmonic progressions builds an emotional depth that feels both familiar and new.

The track evokes a sensation akin to the first warm sun of spring, or the quiet beauty of rain falling into a still lake. It’s reflective, and soothing, and invites the listener to slow down and feel the moment.

This is a piece of music that doesn’t shout for attention but rather invites you to sit with it, to experience its quiet power.

Fourteenth cycle, pt.1 is Jack Agdur’s Single Out Now!


Fourteenth cycle, pt.1 is Jack Agdur’s Single Out Now

Jack Agdur has studied musicology at Stockholm university were he wrote a master thesis about Morton Feldmans variation techniques in the piano piece Palais de Mari. Later he studied curriculum studies in the subject of music. He has studied the piano privately from an early age and became interested in composing music for the piano. He is now teaching music at a school in a northern suburb to Stockholm Sweden.

In his music spanning from 2012, beginning with the single Signalize, he has a certain technique that is said to be “mesmerizing” making the listener experience a moving, floating character of the music. 
 His music has been used in collaboration with artists Maja Eloranta and Eva Pagmar performance duo called PRZ. They have performed at libraries, art galleries and churches for example in 2019 at Djurgårdskyrkan where the duo made the performance SU-RU (Finnish for sorrow) accompanied by his music. In 2020 his music was used by PRZ in the performance REPET at David Pagmars release concert for the album Färgen som målade livet flagnar. In May 2021 Jack Agdurs music from Timing cloud flights was used by the brittish dance company meta4 dance in the dance performance Confluence wich was livestreamed globally.

Find Jack Agdur Here:


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