Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - Coor Blow-Obles
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – Coor Blow-Obles

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Coor Blow-Obles. I discovered this Artist while shuffling songs on Spotify and I really liked the magic atmosphere of his songs.

As soon as I pressed the play button I found myself in a parallel universe and was immediately surrounded by a magical atmosphere exasperated by bold melodic and sound choices.

Hypnotic and mysterious music that bewitches you and guides you into unexplored territories of your unconscious.

The voice with its low timbre sings deep lyrics and accompanies the listener in this interesting sound journey.

In some passages, this music reminded me of Pink Floyd.

Distant guitar solos that sound more like the flute of the cobra trainers… like a snake you are forced to move up and down sinuously following the fascinating rhythm of this music.

I liked the mix that left the right space for each sound element and the song maintains a depth in space that makes it airy and infinite, without well-defined boundaries.

Fascinating music to listen and re-listen to.

A History of Violence is Coor Blow-Obles’ Single Out Now!

Music capable of enchanting you!


Coor Brow-Obles is a South-Eastern UK based alternative musician and secret fantasy you can’t tell your partner about. Multi-instrumentalist and producer,  noted for his pure voice, intelligent lyrics, strong stage presence and devilish good looks. He lays claim to the throne of The Melancholy Prince.

With Inspiration from artists like David Bowie, Placebo, The Cure, Still Corners and Björk, his music is constantly evolving and exploring the boundaries of alternative pop music. First Performing regularly at University with his punk band Turtle Circles. He enjoyed a small amount of success including an EP titled “Going In Circles”, supporting Germany’s most progressive gothic rock band “Sweet Ermengarde”. Coor has since gone solo performing acoustically and enjoying the chance to experiment with his style of music and performance. Having completed his Master’s degree in Music, Coor has since written a soundtrack for an award winning independent movie and found global success with fans in India, France and Spain.

Find Coor Blow-Obles Here:


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