Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | casket is deeprest's Single Out Now
casket is deeprest’s Single Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
I already reviewed deeprest in the past but this intriguing artist is back with a new single and this is what I think about it.

casket is deeprest’s Single Out Now

The mysterious deeprest is here with a new tune.

I really like the vision of this artist who reveals very little about himself and lets the music speak.

An artist who loves to experiment and who always tries to amaze the listener with innovative harmonic solutions.

casket is an intense song, the words attack you and you are mesmerized by this cascade of grooves and lyrics that fall on you.

deeprest has a lot to say and uses music as a medium to get his message across. casket is a modern song that I have a hard time comparing to other artists. In my opinion this artist’s way of composing is unique and original.

An interesting song and a musical project that I feel like recommending once more to everyone.

casket is deeprest’s Single Out Now!


casket is deeprest’s Single Out Now

My lyrics are deeply personal and introspective, exploring themes of mental health, relationships, and self-discovery. You’ll find yourself relating to the words and feeling a connection to the music.

But it’s not just the lyrics that set me apart – my musical style is a fusion of indie rock and hip-hop, creating a sound that’s both energetic and emotional. I’m not afraid to experiment with different genres and sounds to keep my music fresh, exciting, and original. “- deeprest

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