Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | carousel is Marina Vanoff's Single Out Now
carousel is Marina Vanoff’s Single Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
Marina Vanoff’s new single, “Carousel,” offers a fantastic blend of 90s influences with a modern twist, creating a unique musical limbo that entertains the listener.

carousel is Marina Vanoff’s Single Out Now

From the start, Vanoff’s intense and expressive voice stands out, delivering profound emotions that resonate deeply.

The song’s vocal line is stable and hypnotic, guiding the listener from verse to chorus. This stability allows the instrumental arrangement to shine, marking transitions and enhancing the song’s dynamic flow.

Vanoff’s ability to maintain such an enigmatic vocal presence is truly impressive and adds a distinctive touch to the track.

Lyrically, “Carousel” explores the complexities of a romantic relationship when love is still there but you feel you have to move on.

It’s a theme that many can relate to, making the song both personal and universally appealing. The crepuscular approach to composition adds a layer of depth, with Vanoff’s artistry shining through in every measure.

“Carousel” is an atmospheric journey. Marina Vanoff is undoubtedly an artist to watch, bringing a fresh perspective and emotional depth to her music.

carousel is Marina Vanoff’s Single Out Now!


Los Angeles based singer-songwriter Marina Vanoff toes the line of balancing punchy production with tender songwriting, bringing to life a modern and energetic take on indie altrock.

Although originally from Los Angeles, Marina grew up moving around for most of her childhood, leading her to find her passion in music. Since she was never in one place long enough, she turned to writing songs and listening to music, finding solace in the escape artists such as Mazzy Star, Alice In Chains, and Fiona Apple provided.

She hopes her audience can find comfort and community in her music, as she did from her childhood inspirations. Marina’s style is influenced by 90’s alternative rock, filled with 8th note power chords and chunky baselines. Her writing shines with soft melodies and vulnerable lyrics, revealing honesty and truth in her music. Marina is currently working on her debut album, “Bones, Baby!,” which is slated for a release later this year.

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