Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - C-Beem
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – C-Beem

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to C-Beem, I discovered this artist on Spotify, and instantly liked the nostalgia vibes of his songs.

I really liked the electronic and vintage sound of C- Beem.

Ethereal keys accompanied by pressing grooves that are seasoned by a nostalgic melodic line, like those polaroid photos forgotten in a drawer.

To make the atmosphere even more dreamy is the timbre of C-Beem’s voice that reminded me of George Michael.

A music suitable for travel or to remember a wonderful summer, emotions that will accompany us eternally throughout life.

C- Beem’s music is a diary left to us by the artist to share moments, fregments of life.

I really liked the accurate choice of sounds that is never obvious and banal and also the chord progression which varies greatly and it’s able to entertain you from the first to the last second

Even the mix does its part in fact the balance between the various sound elements is very good.

Angel Hill is C-Beem’s Single Out Now!

Music to remember unforgettable fragments of life!


Quote: “Following 2020 release of C-Beem’s ‘Tumbleweed in Tinseltown’ and widely acclaimed sci-fi, retro synthpop single ‘Ed Straker Future’ – ‘Angel Hill’ comes a little closer to Earth, yet still in the bittersweet clouds of unrequited love, infatuation and longing”.

Find C-Beem Here:



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