Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to Bingo Fighter. I discovered this Band while shuffling songs on Spotify and I liked their music a lot.
I immediately liked the raw and direct sound of this band.
A way of composing music that takes its cue from the past when punk was taking its first steps.
Try to imagine yourself going to listen to Bingo Fighter at CBGB opening the night for the Ramones … in my opinion, it would have been fantastic.
The music of these guys is free and irreverent and in a world where plasticized beats dominate the charts, it is nice to see that there are people who love real music….the music made in the rehearsal room sweating on the instruments, where you try and try again until you are happy with the result.
The thing I like most about the Bingo Fighter sound is that they managed to mix the eclecticism of Primus with the energy of the Clash.
A band to keep under the radar, their music is a burst of energy.
In The Shire is Bingo Fighter’s Album Out Now!
Refined and Innovative!
Hailing from Wellington, New Zealand, harmonic punk 4 piece Bingo Fighter return with their debut album, In The Shire.