Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like - A:two
E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like – A:two

Good Day Noir Family,
our “E.A.Poets Approved/Bands We Like” section is dedicated to A:two. I discovered this Artist while shuffling songs on Spotify and I liked the atmosphere of his songs.

A beautiful music that offered to us by A:two.

A music that has something epic, that makes it very cinematic.

At first listening, it immediately reminded me of the style of the soundtrack of a Disney movie, a music capable of making you visualize images, frames that tell you a story.

A crescendo of emotions…

Listening to Rushed act I imagined a boy who tries to emerge but the difficulties of life keep pulling him down. His only strength is the desire to dream and when he looks out the window of his room he sees a better future.

And then by dint of insisting finally comes the opportunity of a lifetime and that dream becomes reality.

I saw this story while listening to this song and maybe you will imagine a different one.

The great thing is that when a song makes the imagination fly it means that the result has been hit.

A Rushed Act is A:two’s Single Out Now!

Music capable of moving and telling stories!


a:two is the name of the solo project from Marco Ledri, keyboard player in the progressive rock band Soniq Circus. This is the first single release from a:two.

The name, blinks an eye to Marco’s professional and nerdy side. Professionally, Marco is an Associate Professor in Neuroscience at Lund University in Sweden. In the human brain, one part of the cortex which is responsible for auditory processing and projects to other brain areas including those involved in emotion, is in fact called A2.

The song is inspired by the birth of his first born child, a daughter who came to this world 10 weeks earlier than expected. The mood of the songs goes from quiet and melancholic, describing the tough early start and Marco’s surprise in getting a phone call from his wife, to a hard rock bridge and last chorus, showing that everything went well thankfully and now his daughter can live her own life, with her dad behind her any time she needs him.


Find A:two Here:


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