Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | Army Of One is Delaware Tea Company's Single Out Now
Army Of One is Delaware Tea Company’s Single Out Now

Good Day Noir Family,
From the moment the drums kick in on Delaware Tea Company’s “Army of One,” you’re transported into a world of infectious rhythms and refined atmospheres.

Army Of One is Delaware Tea Company’s Single Out Now

 The song’s unique compositional style blends elements of the past and future, creating a sound that lives in a limbo ot its own.

It’s clear that these musicians are masters of their craft. The intricate interplay between the instruments, particularly the guitars, demonstrates the countless hours of practice and dedication.

The guitar solo is a standout moment, with its soaring melodies and passionate delivery, the guitar instinctively screams the notes.

Around the 2:35 mark, the song takes an unexpected turn, shifting into a new key with a surprising intensity. This unexpected change-up keeps the listener engaged and it’s a perfect outro for such a refined tune.

Delaware Tea Company are able to blend rock, pop, and jazz into a cohesive musical universe, creating a unique sonic identity that sets them apart from the crowd.

“Army of One” is a true masterpiece of genre-bending music, a must-listen for fans of all walks of life.

Army Of One is Delaware Tea Company’s Single Out Now!


Army Of One is Delaware Tea Company’s Single Out Now

Delaware Tea Company is a four-piece progressive/alternative indie rock band that formed while its members were students at the University of Delaware together (hence the band’s namesake). Their mutual love for artists such as Led Zeppelin, Stevie Wonder, and Foo Fighters inspired them to make music together that takes influence from several genres such as jazz, punk, indie rock, and folk. Delaware Tea Company brings unmatched energy at their live shows with their interactive stage presence, genre-fluid original music and their unique takes on cover songs.

The band built their foundation in the Baltimore music scene after performing at notable venues in the area such as Ottobar, Metro Gallery, The Crown, and Zen West. They have expanded their reach to other major cities, performing at The Fire and Kung Fu Necktie in Philadelphia, Songbyrd in Washington D.C., and The Delancey and Brooklyn Music Kitchen in New York City.

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