Edgar Allan Poets – Noir Rock Band | The Poe Parade - Edgar Allan Poets - Noir Rock Band
The Poe Parade

The Poe Parade is the Edgar Allan Poe’s celebration, the song’s lyrics are composition of twenty four titles of Edgar Allan Poe’s collection. In the future we would like to organize a Parade to celebrate Poe. People walking and dancing on the streets to honor this unforgettable master.


Robert Bang as Edgar Allan Poe
Music by Edgar Allan Poets

Event Description:

Join us for the biggest event ever attempted to celebrate Edgar Allan Poe. We want to organize a Global Parade and shoot a video to honor Edgar Allan Poe, if you want to be part of this amazing project sign up now IT’S FREE.

Doesn’t matter where you live, your age, your religion, your color we have something in common and it’s the love for Edgar Allan Poe.

How does it works?

Sign up and download the Poe Parade song FOR FREE.
Dress to Impress
Shoot a short video of you dancing, like Poe does in our video (watch it here) and send the video here: poe@thepoeparade.com not later than SEPTEMBER 15 2016 – 12pm
October 7th 2016 (Poe’s anniversary) we will be posting on youtube the edited video with all the clips that the various groups around the world have sent to us and we will release also the song “The Poe Parade”. Your name will be on the cover of the single.

The lyrics of the Poe Parade are a collage of 24 titles of Edgar Allan Poe’s collection.

Poe Parade Lyrics

The Sleeper † Sonnet – Silence † Serenade

To One In Paradise † Alone

The Bells

Annabel Lee † Evening Star † A Dream

Enigma † Song † To Evangeline

Lenore † The Raven † Spirits Of The Dead

The Black Cat † Angel Of The Odd

Hop Frog

Dream Within A Dream † Eldorado † Fairy Land

A Valentine † Tell Tale Heart † The Lake


Edgar Allan Poe celebration, the Poe Parade music by Edgar Allan Poets the Noir Rock band featuring Robert Bang as Edgar Allan Poe.

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